Self-esteem describes the belief in your abilities and value. How you perceive yourself determines whether you have high or low self-esteem. Making mistakes might shake your confidence, while certain personal habits can cause shame or doubt. Due to low self-esteem, you might view yourself negatively and feel less worthy of your gifts.

For many people, low self-esteem starts with constant exposure to negativity and critiques from family or peers. A lack of confidence in yourself affects your mental health, intensifying conditions like depression and anxiety. Fortunately, there are various ways to take control and improve your self-esteem. A healthy sense of self leads to a positive outlook on life, empowering you to overcome challenges and hardships.

In the journey to revitalize your self-esteem, you may find counselling services immensely beneficial. These professionals can offer guidance and resources to strengthen your sense of self. In addition, numerous coping strategies exist to provide you positive reinforcement. Let’s learn how to gain confidence in yourself and improve self-esteem:

Practicing self-compassion

Improve self-esteem by practicing self-compassion.

Do you treat yourself as kindly as you do to your friends and loved ones? If your answer is no, you might need to practice self-compassion. Many people act as their own harshest critics, accepting the blame for any failures despite factors out of their control. Due to unreasonably high expectations, they set themselves up for anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem problems.

Self-compassion involves showing yourself lenience when you make mistakes. It allows you to build a healthy internal relationship, teaching you to acknowledge your limitations or imperfections. Practicing self-compassion also empowers you to face new challenges confidently. You learn to forgive yourself for inadequacies and think positively about the situation instead.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Improve self-esteem by stop comparing yourself to others.

Many people on social media put the best parts of their lives on display, whether it’s a job promotion or a new house. Sadly, this often sets an impossible standard for some of their followers. As you compare other people’s achievements with your own standards, it distorts the perspective on valuable aspects of your life.

The more envious you are of other people’s successes, the less confident you will feel about yourself and your abilities. Instead, take account of your strengths and accomplishments. Write them down somewhere for reference when the self-doubt is creeping in. Cultivate the habit of journaling about personal milestones so that you can appreciate the positives in your life.

Accepting compliments

Improve self-esteem by accepting compliments.

Do you struggle to accept praises from family and peers? Sometimes, you don’t know what to say or feel awkward when people compliment your personality or achievements. If so, there’s a chance you don’t find yourself worthy enough to exhibit qualities worth celebrating. Humility is a virtue, but not when you reject positive acknowledgement of your successes.

You can gain confidence by accepting the favourable feedback about yourself. Believe in what your friends, family, and acquaintances are saying. People give compliments because they are genuinely impressed and see admirable qualities in you. Their motivational words have significance and can provide a boost to your self-esteem.

Take better care of yourself 

Improve self-esteem by taking better care of yourself.

It’s hard to have healthy self-esteem if you don’t take care of yourself physically. After all, your body is the vessel for your mind and soul. Eating nutritiously and exercising regularly can improve your confidence. Imagine the self-pride you feel after overcoming a difficult challenge. Working out can produce the same effects when you tune your body into a well-oiled physique.

Likewise, grooming and personal hygiene can influence your self-esteem positively. Taking care of your appearance can be a significant confidence booster. Buy proper-fitting clothes and go the extra mile of selecting pieces that show your personality. You don’t need to get a stylist. Simple activities like a shower, clean shoes, and a haircut can make you feel assured about yourself.

Other ways to take care of yourself include trying meditation or yoga. These relaxation activities will teach you to counter negative thoughts and emotions. Finally, remember to get proper rest. Sleep deprivation leads to crankiness and triggers other negative feelings. At least eight hours of sleep daily will give you a clear head and a positive outlook.

Challenging negative thoughts with positive thinking

Improve self-esteem by challenging negative thoughts with positive thinking.

You probably heard of this famous metaphor. Some people see the glass as half-full, while others perceive it as half-empty. If you belong in the latter category, you might be more susceptible to low self-esteem issues. That’s because doubt and pessimism are severe detriments to your confidence. You are less inclined to believe in your ability to achieve successful outcomes.

However, don’t allow these negative thoughts to be your only reference point. Remember that there are two sides to every situation, so balance your skepticism with a healthy dose of optimism. Don’t automatically assume the worst. Instead, challenge negative opinions about yourself and counter them with positive qualities.

Gaining self-confidence doesn’t have to be a solitary journey. Surround yourself with supportive companions who cherish you and champion your positive attributes. You may also find it helpful to speak with a professional counsellor for additional guidance. Contact Kari Walton Counselling Services to arrange a consultation today.