You finally get some time to yourself after a long day. However, your alone time is slowly becoming chaotic because the events of the day keep unfolding in your mind. Did you lock the door? Have you paid all your bills? What will happen tomorrow? Overthinking triggers negative thoughts and anxiety, two factors that negatively affect your mental health. 

If you find yourself worrying about every little decision, it’s time to step back and take a breath. Overthinking prevents you from achieving your goals because you conjure pessimistic outcomes for every situation. It’s easy to confuse overthinking with problem-solving since you overanalyze every detail. On the contrary, it’s an endless loop where your brain focuses on the problem the longer you think about it.

Worrying too much puts you at the risk of developing stress. Life is uncertain and unpredictable, but there’s only so much you can control. With positive thinking and mindful habits, you can lead a peaceful life free of excessive worrying. Professional counselling services are also available, offering guidance to alleviate the impact of negative thoughts.

Let’s go over some tips on how to stop overthinking and worrying too much:

Distract your mind to stop overthinking.

Distract your mind to stop overthinking

Imagine if you could turn off the overthinking switch in your head. It hardly works if you try to force yourself to focus. Overthinking takes your mind away from the present and keeps you in a loop of fear. You can break the loop by distracting your mind and doing something to engage your brain.

Channel your thoughts into positive activities that engage all five senses. That can include reading, taking a walk, speaking to a close friend, cuddling a pet, or doing a short exercise. If you have a genuine cause to worry, the distraction can help you figure out how to solve the problem.

Stop worrying about perfection.

Stop worrying about perfection

Sometimes, your mind can act like your worst critic. You find yourself picking apart your mistakes and worrying about how people perceive you. Or you may question your abilities in stressful conditions, concerned that you may not meet expectations. However, it’s time to show yourself some kindness.

Dwelling on the past and waiting for perfection can’t bring progress. Remember that no one is perfect, so don’t be harsh on yourself when mistakes are made. Accept the best of your efforts and try not to worry about things out of your control. This self-awareness can help you change your overthinking mindset.

Challenge your negative thoughts.

Challenge your negative thoughts

Sometimes, our brain magnifies minor problems and makes them worse than they seem. Worrying feeds on your mind’s biggest fears. If you feel anxiety, assess the situation and ask yourself tough questions about what’s real. Will it matter in five years or even next month? Can you find a solution instead of worrying?

Just because your mind wants you to overthink doesn’t mean you should give in. Challenge the negative thoughts and counter each one with a positive fact about yourself. The process will enrich your perspective, balancing the pessimism with a healthy dose of optimism.

Think positively by expressing gratitude.

Think positively by expressing gratitude

If you focus on the positives in life, you can draw strength from a source of reassurance during stressful moments. An excellent strategy to cultivate a positive mindset is by expressing gratitude. When you feel thankful and appreciative, it introduces a different perspective to your situation. Any negative thoughts are assessed in a new light, helping you take a balanced approach to your concerns.

Look back upon the various milestones in your life, from happy memories to personal accomplishments. You might feel thankful for your family, friends, work, health, and many other inspirations. Fill your thoughts with these joyful reference points, accessing them when you need a morale boost. Document any positive events in a journal, so you can read the entries any time instead of overthinking or worrying too much.

Train your mind to be calm and positive.

Think positively by expressing gratitude

Worrying distracts you from experiencing life as it happens, making you irritable and moody. Instead, learn to enjoy the present moment and appreciate your environment in real-time. You can accomplish this with mindful habits like yoga or meditation. These relaxing activities will soothe your anxieties, so you live in the moment and not rehash issues from the past.

Like every other skill, it takes practice to master the art of mindfulness. You can start by meditating every morning and journaling in the evening. There are many apps and resources to help you find a cozy routine that suits your lifestyle. The ultimate goal is to train your mind to be calm and positive in the long term.

Seek counselling support. 

Seek counselling support

How do you behave when you’re anxious? Do you find yourself worrying about a situation out of your control? Observe feelings of discomfort in your mind and how it affects your mood. Then, you can map a strategy to help you cope with your feelings. However, keep in mind that you don’t have to embark on this mental health journey alone.

Counselling services help you navigate life’s uncertainties. Professional counsellors can help you process your anxieties and understand the motivations that drive them. You can also gain valuable coping strategies and mental health resources depending on your needs. Contact Kari Walton Counselling Services and book an appointment today.