Life is full of significant changes and transitions. We might move to a new home, switch careers, get married, or expect a child – sometimes even twins! These are a few examples of momentous events that bring excitement and concern. Although many life changes have positive outcomes, they can also feel quite stressful. When we are unprepared for navigating life transitions, anxiety might affect our mental health.

Even with the welcome change, we must cope with uncertainty and a loss of control. Typically, our brains like being able to predict what happens next. It’s reassuring when we can follow routines or have regular habits. Suddenly, a major life change shatters our comfort zone. The unpredictability increases anxiety and worry, a natural response from the brain.

It’s normal to struggle with unprecedented change and stumble with our emotions. Fortunately, we can feel more reassured with the help of friends, family, and support groups. In addition, there are professional counselling services that offer expert guidance. We can also adopt coping strategies to manage our expectations before a life transition.

Let’s learn how to cope with major life changes that cause stress:

Preparing for major life changes

Making preparations can help you cope with major life changes that cause stress.

When possible, prepare for the major life changes in advance. If you are starting a new job or relocating to another city, making plans can help put your anxieties at ease. For example, you may want to start packing your belongings weeks before moving to a new home. Or you may research your new job position, organizing the necessary documents and supplies for the first day of work.

The objective is to direct your energy into doing something constructive. These preparations give you ample time to adjust to the life transition at a comfortable pace. If your change is unexpected, try to find similar ways to utilize your energy productively. Take the initiative rather than staying idle and letting your emotions fester.

Coping with difficult emotions

Do your best to cope with difficult emotions from major life changes.

Some major life changes bring a conflicted mix of emotions. On the one hand, we are happy about starting a new adventure. On the other hand, we might feel upset about closing a former chapter in our lives. Acknowledge and accept these difficult emotions, as uncomfortable as they might be.

A large part of moving forward involves acknowledging the past. If you are sad or remorseful, don’t repress these feelings. Instead, explore your emotions intimately. Allow yourself the chance to grieve, process, and pay tribute to the person you were before. Do not judge, and do not be too harsh on yourself. Reflect on what you learned, celebrate the positive memories, and carry the valuable experiences to your next journey.

Stop worrying about the future

Stop worrying about the major life changes.

Major life changes are unpredictable. Understandably, you might have concerns about what the future holds. However, try your best to stop overthinking and worrying too much. Instead of only focusing on the negatives, shift your perspective and look at the situation more optimistically. Some coping strategies include:

  • Remind yourself why this change is happening.
  • Focus on opportunities that the change will bring.
  • Balance your worries with positive aspects that make you excited about the change.

In addition, it’s crucial to work through your worries. Entertain the worst-case scenario, play it out in your head, and consider how likely this might happen. After the self-reflection, you may realize your worries are overstated or the consequences don’t seem as severe as you imagined. Try thinking about other scenarios and judge them by the same rule. After contemplating these emotions, let them fade away.

Starting a new routine

Start a new routine to help you cope with major life changes.

Creating routines is an excellent way to cope with major life changes. A pre-set schedule can reduce anxiety, minimize stress, and eliminate uncertainty. You can also rely on these habits to provide direction and stability in your life. Some possible ideas include a morning exercise routine or a regular meet-up with friends each week. You may also consider joining a gym, starting a hobby, or enjoying a Friday night movie.

As part of your routine, try to include activities that promote self-care and wellness. Self-care may consist of eating well, getting enough sleep, and pampering yourself with beauty treatments. It can also mean counselling, isolating from stress, and reflecting on your emotions. You are more likely to follow your new routine if it includes enjoyable or meaningful experiences.

Lowering stress levels

Lower the stress from major life changes.

We all need time to adjust to major life changes and transitions. Avoid burdening yourself with too many expectations, which can feel stressful and frustrating. If you are struggling emotionally, slow things down. You don’t need to make all the preparations in a single day. Instead, prioritize your mental health and find ways to decompress.

A fantastic way of lowering stress levels is through your family and friends. They provide a built-in support system that offers advice, reduces isolation, and empathizes with your situation. You can have intimate discussions about your worries and insecurities over the upcoming life changes. Or you can talk about something else to steer your mind toward lighthearted topics. Socialization will make dealing with major life changes seem far less lonely.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to navigate significant life changes and transitions alone. A counselling service provides professional guidance, accompanying you on your mental health journey. Contact Kari Walton Counselling Services for more information as you prepare for the new chapter in your life.